Daffodil Plantings
The Irvington Garden Club has planted more than 5,000 daffodils along Pleasant Run Parkway, North Drive, from Emerson to Arlington Avenue. This project, which was spearheaded by club members Melany Belluci and Rosemary Tudor, was completed over a three-year period.

The first round of planting occurred in 2017. After obtaining permission from the Indianapolis Parks Department to plant in the park’s land, Melany and Rosemary ordered the bulbs and organized the planting. The first year, bulbs were planted from Arlington Avenue to Graham Avenue. The project was promoted within the Irvington community and people were encouraged to volunteer to help. That first year, 1,000 bulbs were planted in one hour!
Two thousand bulbs were ordered for the second round of planting in 2018. Melany found an offer for buy one bulb get one free. The nursery agreed to supply the bulbs at that price when Melany described the project. The company packed extra bulbs in the bags so there 2,450 bulbs. Bulbs were planted from Graham Avenue to Irvington Avenue.
The project was completed in 2019, with 2,000 bulbs planted from Irvington Avenue to the park at Emerson and Pleasant Run Parkway, North Drive.
Several varieties of daffodils were planted to ensure a long blooming time.
Irvington residents frequently comment about how much they enjoy seeing the “Garden Club daffodils” in bloom every spring. This project would not have been possible without the generous financial support of Ryan Thomas of Edward Jones (pictured here with his two daughters).