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More About The Tour

“What a peaceful place.”

“I wish I had one of those in my garden.”

“Did you see the size of those flowers?”


Perhaps those were one of your comments --- maybe not, but being a little bit nosy, we love to eavesdrop on

 the remarks of those attending our annual tours.


Through the past decade and more, our guests have had the opportunity to walk shaded paths, witness the flashing shadows of overhead branches on the ground, and maybe, if one was nearby, sit on a garden bench. Others have felt the cooling effect of a fountain or gazed into a plant filled pond and wondered why the Koi fish within had grown so big while theirs had not. Undoubtedly, someone on the journey said, “I’ve got to get one of those.”


Walking slowly, so as not to disturb a monarch butterfly, they delighted in the pleasing color combinations of flower pots on a patio and paused at a Honey Perfume    rose to smell the spicy fragrance of its orange and yellow blooms. Mmmmmmm! 


Since our first tour in 2000, we’ve highlighted the best gardens in historic Irvington. This year we will continue that tradition.


© 2020 by Irvington Garden Club

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